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A Revolutionary New Way to Improve Your Golf Game
Looking to improve your golf swing and reduce the risk of injury? Well, in today’s article we discuss a revolutionary way to explain why you may be swinging the club the way you are and how you can rectify these hidden hanbrakes!
3 Exercises to Help Settle the Root Cause of Shoulder Impingement
When trying to fix your shoulder impingement it’s important to look beyond just the shoulder itself. We need to uncover the hidden contributing factors to that pain and dysfunction. Read on as we discuss three of the main contributing factors to common shoulder impingement.
2 Unique Exercises For Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
Overcoming a frozen shoulder can be a tough and arduous experience. So, it’s important you have some effective exercises to work hard on. A part from the traditional shoulder rehab exercises, there are 2 unqiue exercises that can help you with your shoulder pain and immobility. Check them out!
How to Fix Rounded Shoulders
Reversing rounded shoulders requires a multi-faceted approach. Whether it be increased strength, better mobility, or improved postural awareness and output, all need your attention. Otherwise, it’s hard to see sustainable long-term change. In this article, we discuss what you need to do to lay the broad foundations needed to fix rounded shoulders!
When Is Your Shoulder Pain Neck-Related?
If you’re trying to solve your shoulder pain, it’s important to have all the information at hand. Importantly, you need to make sure your shoulder pain is not being referred from your neck. Otherwise, all your hard work could be wasted. In this article, we discuss how to find and self-treat any neck-related shoulder pain in order to help support long-term progress!
Top 3 Causes of Biceps Tendon Pain | Anterior Shoulder Pain
Pain at the front of the shoulder is more complicated than many realize. Not only do we need to rehabilitate your painful and dysfunctional tissue, but we also need to figure out why it became sore in the first place. In today’s article, we cover three hidden reasons why the front of your shoulder/biceps tendon may become sore in the first place!
Is Your Shoulder Pain First-Rib Related?
If you are suffering from shoulder pain, take the time to figure out whether your first rib is involved. For such a simple issue it could genuinely be contributing to your shoulder pain in some way. Here’s what you need to know and do to potentially fill in this missing puzzle piece!
6 Essential Recovery Tips To Boost Your Running Performance
Post-run recovery is almost as important as the run itself. All that hard work on the track may not count for much if you don’t help your body optimize its in-built recovery processes. Luckily there are a number of simple and effective strategies you can implement to help your body recover quickly and be ready to go again as soon as possible. here are 6!
Here's What Your Shoes Are Really Telling You About Your Aches & Pain
When choosing which shoes to buy, how often are you looking for something to ease your aches and pains? Interestingly, we should instead take the time to listen to what our shoes are telling us and work hard to resolve this relatively hidden dysfunction. Here’s what you need to know!
Why Upper Back Stiffness Could Be the Root Cause of Your Shoulder Pain
If you suffer from shoulder pain, make sure you have your upper back assessed! Upper back joint and tissue restriction can act as a hidden handbrake on normal shoulder mechanics setting us up for any number of shoulder complaints. Here’s what you need to know and do about it!
The Role of Decreased Hip Mobility in Low Back Pain
Do you suffer from low back pain? If so, make sure you have your hip mobility assessed. Clinically, a lack of hip range can compromise normal low back function, potentially setting it up for pain and dysfunction down the track. Here’s what you need to know!
3 Simples Exercises to Treat Tennis Elbow Pain From Home
Tennis Elbow pain can be a real frustration for those who need to use their hands, wrists, and forearms. In this article, we discuss three simple exercises you can do to help solve your Tennis Elbow. Interestingly, the root cause of Tennis Elbow may actually be more than just overuse or repetitive strain. Here’s why:
Should We Reconsider Using Ice to Treat Injuries?
For decades we have turned to ice to treat acute injuries. But are we missing something? Does the reason we use ice - to limit pain, swelling, and inflammation, contradict what needs to happen in order for our tissue to heal? Read on as we discuss the merits of ice and whether it’s time to reconsider its use.
Myth: Hamstring Tightness at the Back of the Knee is Not Hamstring Tightness
When stretching your hamstrings, where do you feel it? Ideally, we should always feel it in the heart of the thigh at the back. However many seem to feel it down at the back of the back. Interestingly, this isn’t actually the hamstring being stretched. Instead, it’s actually an over-tensioned Sciatic nerve. Here’s how to solve it and find the right hamstring stretch for you:
How to Solve Your Neck Pain When Riding
Neck pain is all-too-common on the bike. Many see it as an acceptable consequence of doing something you love. But it needn’t be. Here’s what’s likely to be causing your neck pain when cycling, why it’s preventable and what you can do to try and solve it!
One Left-Of-Center Exercise You Should Do to Improve Your Knee Pain and Function
When looking to improve your knee pain and function, it’s easy to focus on just the knee itself. Interestingly there are a number of exercises that don’t directly involve the knee which can have a substantial impact on how it feels. Here’s one of the most important exercises to do for a healthy and pain-free knee.
3 Uniquely Powerful Exercises to Address the Root Cause of Your Shoulder Pain
Do you suffer from shoulder pain? If you do, how much time and energy do you put into treating the tissue around the shoulder? Interestingly, a large percentage of shoulder pain is the consequence of poor mechanics, and the trick is to figure out where the dysfunctional tissue is in order to get to the root cause. Here are three unique areas that may be setting your shoulder up to fail, and what to do about it.
Myth: Noisy Knees Are a Sign of Osteoarthritis
Do your knees creek and groan at you when you move? If so, are you like many who feel it’s a sign of Arthritis? Thankfully, you may be pleasantly surprised to hear this isn’t the case. The orchestra of sounds is more likely a consequence of less than perfect knee mechanics rather than anything that shows up on an x-ray. And it’s also something you can change. So let’s delve in to why noisy knees should not be thought of as a sign of knee arthritis.
Why Flat Feet Say More About Your Legs Than Feet
Flat feet afflict so many people, yet aren’t always symptomatic. However those that are tend to be met with tunnel vision. We traditionally see flat feet as solely a foot concern, when in actual fact its an issue with the entire leg. Here’s why your flat feet are more leg-related than foot-specific.
3 Hidden Stiff Areas That May Cause Your Knee Pain on the Bike
Knee pain is rarely just knee-related - particularly on the bike. If you or someone you know is having their time on the bike interrupted by knee pain, here are three hidden, non-knee specific areas to have checked out and an exercise to rectify them.