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One Left-Of-Center Exercise You Should Do to Improve Your Knee Pain and Function
When looking to improve your knee pain and function, it’s easy to focus on just the knee itself. Interestingly there are a number of exercises that don’t directly involve the knee which can have a substantial impact on how it feels. Here’s one of the most important exercises to do for a healthy and pain-free knee.
3 Uniquely Powerful Exercises to Address the Root Cause of Your Shoulder Pain
Do you suffer from shoulder pain? If you do, how much time and energy do you put into treating the tissue around the shoulder? Interestingly, a large percentage of shoulder pain is the consequence of poor mechanics, and the trick is to figure out where the dysfunctional tissue is in order to get to the root cause. Here are three unique areas that may be setting your shoulder up to fail, and what to do about it.